
Earlier, in the village near the Central estate of the reserve, several "Paradise" Apple trees grew near private houses. In winter, these trees were completely covered with dark red apples the size of cherries. All winter the bullfinches sat on the Apple trees and pecked at the fruit. There were a lot of birds and it was easy to photograph them.

Later, the Apple trees were cut down, and these bright birds began to fly to us less. However, the Central estate still attracts bullfinches in winter. Sunflower seeds in bird feeders, maple wings, lilac and pemphigus seeds near the Museum, viburnum berries and cherry buds are all in demand. Males and females of these birds are very different from each other. Males have a bright red breast, the shades of which can vary and depend on the age of the bird, the time of year, and even on the weather and lighting. Female – snow maiden, dressed more modestly: they have a brown breast.

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