
Vole mice are one of the smallest and most common rodent species. These cute and intelligent animals are familiar to every gardener. They are prolific, easily adapt to living conditions, can destroy any crop and, at the same time, are themselves food for predators.

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Mouse vole in its natural habitat

Vole mice are one of the smallest and most common rodent species. These cute and intelligent animals are familiar to every gardener. They are prolific, easily adapt to living conditions, can destroy any crop and, at the same time, are themselves food for predators.

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Species differ from each other in color and small signs. But in General, they are similar and have a long tail, a pointed muzzle, small black eyes. The legs of mice are mobile, the length of the foot is about 1.5 cm. The claws are short. The body is covered with thick, coarse hair, and a dark stripe runs down the back. The average weight of the mouse is about 15 grams. Body length from 10 to 13 cm, not counting the tail.

In the wild, the life expectancy of the vole is 1-2 years. Due to the large number of enemies and dangers, they rarely manage to live to old age. But if the life of the mouse is going well, then natural death can occur at the age of 5-7 years.

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