
The great spotted woodpecker is the most numerous of the seven species of the family recorded in the Nurgush nature reserve. Therefore, his meeting in the security zone is quite common. However, there are also interesting finds. On the ecological trail "Hello, beaver!" during the tour, a large spotted woodpecker was spotted on a pine tree.

He was clearly worried about something, constantly shouting and flying from tree to tree. Soon the reason for his concern was revealed – the nest, from which came a constant squeak. By this behavior, the woodpecker tried to distract visitors to the reserve and lead them away from the nest. Usually in the clutch of a large mottled woodpecker there are from 4 to 7 eggs. Incubation begins with the first egg, so the Chicks can vary greatly in size. The Chicks are fed by both parents, and by the end of June they will leave the nest and begin an independent life.

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